The Transcendental Meditation® technique can reduce heart attack and stroke by 48%
Prevention is the key to reducing the disturbing statistics: 1 in 3 women die from heart disease
Help me reduce my risk from

Intro to the TM® technique
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Dr. Lourdes Mollinedo “TM restores cellular physiology, awakens the main organizers of the body and ensures order and correct functioning of cells. The practical implication of this mechanism is to lower arterial pressure...” More
Risk Factors

Go Red for Women spokesperson, cardiologist
Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, speaks about TM for
women’s heart health. Play Video Now
Women and Heart Disease
The high rate of cardiovascular disease (CVD) among women is well documented and greatly disturbing. Already almost 40% of all deaths in women are related to coronary heart disease and the percentage will likely increase with our aging population. More
Obstacles to Treatment
For many years heart disease was considered primarily a man’s disease, so little attention was put on the condition in women. More
A Surprising Solution
Research sponsored by the National Institutes of Health found that Transcendental Meditation practice reduces heart disease and stroke by 48%. More
A 2013 American Heart Association scientific statement reported that the Transcendental Meditation technique lowers blood pressure and is associated with substantially reduced rates of death, heart attack and stroke.
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