Honored to Partner with

Million Hearts® brings together existing efforts and new programs to improve health across communities and help Americans live longer, healthier, more productive lives. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services are the co-leaders of Million Hearts® within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association is an international professional organization that impacts patient outcomes through evidence-based cardiovascular care. PCNA’s mission includes developing and promoting nurses as leaders in this field and supporting comprehensive risk reduction strategies for individuals and populations across the lifespan.

The Women’s Heart Foundation is a 501c3 dedicated to prevention, survival and quality of life. WHF accomplishes its mission through education, advocacy and instituting prevention projects. WHF provides free continuing medical education as part of The Gender Care Initiative to promote excellence of care of women. Executive nurses, civic leaders, women survivors and sponsors all respond with one voice to the health crisis of women’s heart disease.

SRS Heart is a woman’s proactive cardiovascular practice based on knowing, caring, and understanding to reach a mutual goal.

Harboring Hearts is a nonprofit organization providing financial and emotional resources to heart patients and their families during the critical time of treatment.

Support. Education. Friendship. Three components to good heart health.

Nurse Talk Radio
Nurse Talk Radio - where laughter is the best medicine - was the brainchild of two seasoned nurses, RN's Casey Hobbs & Maggie Mc Dermott. Since 2009, Nurse Talk has broadcast nationally from the San Francisco Bay Area on topics ranging from patient care to patient safety, understaffed hospitals, and environmental issues that impact our nations health. We are proud to be a supporting partner of the TM Program for Women.
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