Introductory Presentation on the Principles of the TM® technique (29:53)
Cardiologist Dr. Steinbaum on TM and heart health (6:12)
Overcoming Food Addiction (1:58)
Overcoming Stress at Cancer
Treatment Center (7:22) -
NBC report: Howard University
Hospital study on women and
high blood pressure (2:38) -
Anxiety and stomach distress disappear with TM (1:14)
Supermodel Raquel Zimmermann on lifestyle, smoking, and meditation (2:03)
TM: Reducing the need for health care in the elderly (0:21)
Dr. Pamela Peeke at the Intrepid (6:03)
Women and Girls Tell what Transcendental Meditation does for them (3:15)
Go-Red spokesperson highlights heart attack symptoms (0:29)
Acclaimed national expert gives women advice on heart health (57:42)